Thursday, February 2, 2012

Too much to put into one title- Kayla

So, it’s been forever since our last entry, but that means that so much has happened in the past ____ months.  First of all, as many of you already know, I have a new job.  It’s a bakery and restaurant called E.leaven and it’s located downtown, just north of the loop.  It’s not a dream job, but it’s a lot better than my last one, meaning I actually get to bake.  I started out mostly baking bagels, which is a lot less glamorous than I thought it would be.  Imagine how hot you think hell is, and then add at least 10 degrees; that is how hot the bagel room at my work is.  Now I’ve been doing more actual baking: muffins, cakes, etc.  I work 5 days a week 5-11am.  It’s really hard to get up at 4 am 5 days in a row, but it’s going to be worth it.  This will look fantastic on my resume and gives me some great industry experience.  Unfortunately, my supervisor (who is my age) is quitting in a week and a half.  This will leave just me and one other woman there, so things will get very hectic very quickly.  I’ve been there for over a month, but I still don’t know a lot about our product there. 

Second announcement, again many of you know about, is that we set a wedding date.  It’s officially set for September 28 of this year.  It’s a Friday, but we get a $1000 discount as well as several upgrades to the supplies given to us.  We’ve found an officient as well.  We are currently working on our photographer.  We only really need to find a florist and a bakery now.  I also need to get my bridesmaids’ information about their dresses.  Other than that, things are going very well with the wedding planning.  Save the dates will be on their way soon!

Third announcement, we are moving again.  We were lucky enough to get things to line up with my dad, who is buying a condo and leasing it to us.  The place is fantastic.  It’s about 6 blocks from where we live now and still in the Ravenswood area.  It is a brand new unit in an apartment building that has been completely gutted.  Everything is brand new: hardwood floors, granite counter tops, gorgeous light fixtures.  It is the perfect mixture of modern and classy.  The set part: we are getting a very good deal on rent since we are technically paying for the mortgage.  We would be living in a much smaller place and less decent place for the price we are paying for the new place.  The closing date is February 13 and we will be moving the following weekend.  We will post pictures soon! 

Wen it’s all put into words, it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s been incredibly stressful starting a new job, planning a wedding, and getting ready to move.  The stress of it all is pretty incredible, but it’s exciting as well.  Well, until we get the chance to blog in the future…

1 comment:

  1. Wow Guys - things are busy, busy - so glad everything's going well for you! We will definitely mark our calendars for the 28th - awesome that you get to move into the new condo! Love and miss you lots!
